Wednesday, October 5, 2011

My piece of art !!!!!!




First set:

On the first set, I lighted up a candle and switched off all the lights in my house. I could see that the little fame on the candle bright up the whole area, which created negative and positive shape. The bright area including the fame and the candle itself is a positive shape, and the dark area on the background is the negative shape.

Second set:

On the second set. That red lantern was created on a piece of paper, it is part of Chinese culture. With a piece of red paper, an artist can form it in different shapes to make it become a lantern, then they use chains, adding images, words to make them look more fancy and interesting. The main thing was they had a space inside to put light in it to light up the lantern.

Third set:

I took the first picture with the distant that right on the bottom when I look up. I can see that the upper to the top, the darker on the faces, because the purpose of putting that blue light on the bottom was to create a fame for Christ's family. On the second one, as I moved the camera up to the top, the blue light kind of fade out and bright up, in that way, the fame was disappeared because dark and bright area blended together, all the faces lit up and I lost the feeling of a fame from the first picture. On the third one, I turned on a red light which light up the whole view. Turning on the red light also created a different view and feeling for the set. All I want to say on this first set is by setting the lights, changing colors, I could have different spaces, view and areas for the audiences when they enjoy thi pictures.

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