Friday, November 11, 2011

Home work Due 11/4

The artist incorporates images of overflowing buckets, a rain drenched glowing pink abstracted head with eyes and two organic cones which he calls beaconc, innovative print media combinations explore a range of tonal shifts in this seriesusing silksscreen, and watercolor.

9/23-9/30 HOMEWORK

John T. Biggers Expressed a visual record of the person he drew. he also used the method hatching to darken and lighten certain areas. the art is called "Morning is here No Dawn", from the title i can inferthat he was sad or knew someone that was sad.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Trenton Doyle Hancock

I like Trenton Doyle Hancock's work because of his hidden messages in his artwork. I feel that he is letting his fans in on his thinking process and feelings when he writes the words on his work. In this drawing, I think he is drawing it for someone he was once close to and he misses. He is doing it "in memory" of them.

R. Crumb

R. Crumb was a troubled kid growing up. He never fit in anywhere and his family was always moving from town to town because of his dad's military job. When looking at his drawings, I can see his troubled past coming through in his comic strips. They are volgure and some are rude but it reflects him because of his life. I do, however, appreciate his work because of the detail that goes into it. His drawings are very detailed and he seems to take a lot of time creating his characters. He respects them and it's obvious to see.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Mathew Collings

I think the more modern of art becomes, the more gets simple and elegant. In the past, there wasn't a lot of technique to "decorate" for a picture or a painting, but a artist use drawings and colors to make their pictures stand out. Unlike today, artists have different ways of printing to have the best value on their work, and different tools to improve their work. It's even more interesting how art can relate to a lot of things, such as nature. Out of painting and drawing, art can be create with stone, diamond, and many more things to have more interesting look.
Five question:
1/ Can art nude be acceptable widely?
2/ Is modern art getting more colorful nowday?
3/ Is modern art focusing more on outline, rather than detail?
4/Is it true that an artist doesn't have fame in their lifetime?
5/Is modern art open more onto new things, or destroy the past of traditional it used to have?