Friday, October 28, 2011

Home work Due 11/4

For this week's blog home work I would like you to do some quick research on an artist from the following list (choose 1)

Julie Merehtu


Trenton Doyle Hanckock

R. Crumb

Once you have familiarized yourself with their work, choose one piece to discuss in your post (it will be helpful to upload an image to your post) Focus on how the medium of drawing is important to the artist's work and how it functions in helping the artist convey their meaning. Remember to prove all of your claims with physical descriptions of the work.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Beauty Video and 5 Questions

Beauty seems to be defined in many different ways to many different artists. Finding the meaning in beauty is what I think of when looking at artwork. Everyone sees something different and it's up to you to decide on what seems appealing to you or not. My 5 questions are:

1. What are some odd things that get artists motivated?

2. Why does everything have to be defined as beautiful or not?

3. Why does artwork have to be beautiful? Can't we find different meaning if it's ugly?

4. Why does it seem like all famous people are addicted to drugs and alcohol?

5. What was the name of the artist who painted his friends and family's faces?

Matthew Collings Beauty and 5 Questions

I enjoyed the video because I like to see how different artists find inspiration and the thinking behind their work. Beauty was defined in many different ways and I agree that there is not just one definition for it. My 5 questions are:

1. Everyone goes through "slumps," when an artist is going through a slump, how do you think they find inspiration again?

2. How would you define beauty?

3. When talking to an artist about their artwork, would you critique it or keep your comments to yourself? Do artists welcome constructive critisim?

4. Are we still in the Modern Art time frame?

5. What makes an artist famous?

Matthew Collings - Beauty

After watching the episodes of Matthew Collings BEAUTY, I disagree with beauty being a meaningless word. I would say beauty is a word of many meanings; it just depends on the eye of the person viewing it. My 5 questions are:

1. Why are artist considered weird or rude when they express their personal opinion/belief in
their creations; musicians and designers do the same thing in music and clothes but dont get
critiqued as much.

2. Would you describe "beauty" in one word?

3. Should artist always have an explanation for the meaning of their art work?

4. Why is art always placed in a box of "is it beautiful" and "does it say anything", sometimes
either wont apply but it can still be meaningful art?

5. Are there any legendary popular artist who died from natural causes, most seem to have died
very tracgically?

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

extra credit

I was in the downtown area and notice the art work (graffiti) on side of a building. The building was boarded-up in the front. The first picture shows what was on the front of the building, while the other pictures are similar art work that I noticed around the rest of the building. This building is located about three blocks from the bus station on the same side at the corner of Drew and S.Main. The colors in the front of the building are different from the rest of the art work around the building. Ummmm!!! If you are ever in the area, check it out.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Modern art questions

In this video Matthew Collins discusses how beauty is not present in modern art because beauty is easy to accept and that’s a problem to artists. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, he said. Although it was not accepted at first modern art is becoming more and more popular. Rather than destroying natural beauty, modern art is portraying that beauty in a different way to fit present times.

1. Why was it so hard for Jean-Michel Basquiat to give interviews and talk more about his art?
2. What sets the beginning and end of an art period?
3. Does it matter what critics say about a particular art piece?
4. As time progresses do people demand different kinds of art or is it that artist impose their new art into the audience?
5. Why do artist often end up in drugs or deep depression despite their success?