Friday, October 7, 2011

The bottom photo was taken from the Chase building in downtown Houston. I was visiting a mentor and tookm the photo from her office. From above, I gained interest in the way the world appeared from above versus the way it appeared as I roam the streets from a "face to face". Also, in this photo we can focus on the way the skyline touches land. I saw a lot in this photo that relate's to what we've learned so far. The world is so much more than what we see up close. To me, this photo says that people should be open minded and remember that there's alot more to the world than what appears direct.

The second-bottom photo was captured from my home. After leaving the shower, I noticed the way the shadow of the light from the bathroom graced the walls of the bedroom. This picture defines the way a shadow represents the reflection of light and how light changes color. Notice the wall is originally, an off white color, however, the reflection of the light gives the wall multi shades of charcoal, grey and almost off white in different places depending on the distance and area of the light.

The first and second photos are of my boyfriends "slab line", Greyline. Lol. I always take pictures of their rides before they head out for the clubs and do shows. In these photos, I wanted to define the way objects appear smaller as they move further away from the focus point. Although the photos I capture of the Greyline rides are normally for entertainment and self-documentaries of our street life, I am now beginning to appreciate photos and see them as a work of art in ways outside of recreation.

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