Friday, September 16, 2011
Modern Art
I was aware of Picasso’s greatness, but after viewing the video Modern Art I have now learned about Pollock and Warhol; two interesting artists. Picasso, Pollock, and Warhol have opened my mind to new ideas and how modernization of art has changed our interpretation of art over time. Focusing on Picasso, I use to only think of him as an artist whom painted woman and distorted the eyes. I didn’t really think much other than the fact that he is a famous Artist. All my thoughts have completely changed. He was a starting point to the type of art that I am more common with, not from nature but from the Artists mind. He allows the viewer to enter the mind of the painter, and this is the art that we, I believe, are more common with. We want to break the puzzle and try to understand what the artist was thinking when creating the piece. Modern Art by Matthew Collings gave me a better idea of how artists have changed our taste for Art. It has changed in a way that I ask myself, “Is this really art?”. But from what I have learned, is that not all art is understandable through just viewing but actually trying to fully engage with the art work and try to find a reason of why it is considered art.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Mordern Arts
" Art is dead " said Warhol
" I am Nature " said Pollock
" I don't seek to Find" said Picasso
Andy Warhol was gifted with in his painting, and was well known for his pop art, he observed what drives people. Jackson Pollock really believe his art was a human being.
Picasso thought that his art was silver and gold, they all had a unique gift. These three guys had a vision with modern art, they painted from the inside out with a lot of emotions from there hearts. Warhol, Pollock, Picasso painted their life away. Life is art, everything is beautiful in its own way, it was stated, "Ugliness instead of beautiful " beautiful art but ugly lives. "We don't know what it is and the reason it change' "It is to make sure we never do'! (Matthew Colligns)
"This is modern art"
Viewing Matthew Collings's film over what is modern art now and what it use to be in the past made me think of rock music. As i watched and learn the life's of well known artists i can say that they each had a purpose to there paintings. Whether it was to show their inner emotions or maybe an obsession towards something. I compare this to rock music because when i think or hear rock music i think about sex,drugs, and alcohol. When i see Pablo Picasso's paintings they are mostly about sex and nudity. It was like describing a male sex fantasy in a picture. Some of his work was also about death. Sex and death were both of Picasso's themes in some of his art work. Looking at Jackson Pollock's paintings and learning about his life made me understand more of where he came up with such paintings. He turned something meaning less to something extraordinary. He made his addiction of alcohol and anger problems to give him the capacity and intelligence to come up with such art. It may not look like art in the process, but at the end it turns out to be something beautiful. They turned something ugly into something amazing and significant. Focusing on their work instead of how their life's where or the addictions they had, it made them become such bright talented artists.
This Is Modern Art.....
Modern Art is evolution of reality. Its unexplainable because its forever changing. Its taking the risk of being misunderstood when the intention of the creation is on purpose. Its speaking loud and clear without uttering a single word. It's ugly, exciting, unknown,influential, emotional, beautiful, scary, heartbreaking, sincere, psychotic, refreshing, sexual, praise worthy, confusing, shameful, elegant but yet it tells a story of something or someone. Modern art is not one single person or one particular painting, no one can claim to have invented it because it is what it is and always will be. Reality is yours and mine and his and hers expressed through different thought. In the film "This Is Modern Art", all of the artist were very talented in their craft. They expressed themselves through their creations. Although they had issues (who doesnt), they used what they were passionate about to convey to the world who they were and how they felt. I think its a beautiful thing to express to the world how you feel even if it is ugly as hell!
Modern Art
I have to regretable say that I was not able to enjoy these videos. I'm not a fan of any of the types of art that were shown. I guess that is one of the reasons I took this class to learn more and maybe gain a better understanding of some of these so called masterpieces. I prefer art that is easy to relate to. Not have to look at it for several minutes just to try and figure out what the artist was trying to do. I love the art that a tattoo artist is able to do. To create perfect art on someones body out of only talking to someone is amazing. The art has to be perfect cause it literal lasts a lifetime. Now that is a awesome thought. To know that what you are drawing will be so important to someone for the rest of thier life.
Modern Art
When I think of art, I think it is supposed to be beautiful. I think of artists as creative and talented individuals that make pleasant pictures to look at. But after watching this video, I think modern art is strange, unusual and different. To me, it does not take talent to draw lines or pictures that do not make sense, but I see modern art may be special because it can be made up, so art does not have to be about all real things. Modern art appreciates the ugly, beautiful and angry. Though I struggle to see how some simple drawings can be considered a masterpiece, it may be the artist self expressions that make the piece unique. Modern art may be considered great because it can be wild and spontaneous.
Modern Art
I think modern art is whatever you think it is. Picasso was one in a million because no one is like him. He could make anything into art by either splattering paint all over a canvis or taking his time and really make a painting into something amazing. Modern art is whatever and individual finds beautiful or moving or can find meaning in. Modern art takes form in many, many diffrent forms. It could be a painting, sculture, picture or a certian landscape view. Art is everywhere around us; it is one's personal expression and imagination that makes it important and special to one individual person. Everyone can find some kind of art work special to them whether it is hanging up in a musuem by a professional or on the refrigerator at home by your first grader. Like I stated before, modern art is different to everyone, it just depends on the individual person and how they see the world.
Modern Art
Different people have different meanings to the things they see. They put their own imagination or thought to what the human eye seeks. Modern Art in this case is seen in different prospective from famous artist as shown on these videos. Each had their own meaning to modern art; Picasso was known for cubism which made the painting more important than the picture itself. Jackson Pollock was not aware of what he was doing and had no fear of making a change to his creativity because he believed his painting had a life of its own. These two artists viewed their art according to what they saw in it and what people thought of it or saw in it they could care less. Andy Warhol was known for his pop art, being different using creativity and inventiveness just like the other two artist mention. These artist were famous because of the way they created their art, they saw more than the eye can see. Yet we do not the real meaning of modern art, each and every one of us sees something another person can completely ignore and that is what makes modern art unrecognizable. Everywhere we look there is art “Modern Art”, “ because we do not know what it is, and that is the reason it keeps changing, to make sure we never do”, as Mathew Colligns pointed out during the video.
Modern Art
In the 40's they wanted things to stay old. New was seen as bad to most people. What is Modern Art? Modern Art is to me the study of the past and making the creation of the future. Artist like Picasso does art without a care of what people think. He seems to me to be very free spirited. Picasso is very comfortable with his sexuality. He seems like his mind is half in the real world and half in a limbo landof a creative mind that make things with shapes that sort of look human but in a weird way to normal eyes. Pollock was a very disturb artist I think. He did have talent and painted some great paintings but his personal life outside of art was sad and crazy. This explains his artwork.
Modern Art
Modern Art is defined as a genre of the fine arts created from the mid-19th century which strayed from traditional techniques and styles. Modern is defined as of or relating to the present or recent times as opposed to the remote past. Art is defined as the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power. After viewing the video content in the blog, I now have a general idea of what Modern Art is. I believe that all of the artists exemplified the true definition of Modern Art. Picasso’s art was raw, real, and uncut, which is most of what we see in the world today. Much of his art showed exactly what he experienced while living. Pollock’s art seemed quite disturbing yet expressive. It’s as if you could tell what he was going through from his paintings. Warhol’s art took modern to the next level. He took one simple picture and made it true art. I would have never thought a picture of a celebrity or some random object could be turned into a powerful art piece.
I am afraid to admit that I did not know much about the artists discussed in the video or any other artists. It does make me feel very ignorant, but I do believe that is why it is a requirement to take this class. If it would have been my choice, perhaps I wouldn’t be here posting this blog, and I would have been missing out on a lot. When the video started discussing what modern art is, I questioned it. To me, many of those “creations” were not really art. It seems like I did not pay attention to the word “modern”. I always thought of art as an old man painting a nude lady or other famous paintings such as the Mona Lisa. As the video progressed, however, I began to appreciate what modern art really is. The distorted figures and patterns began to make sense. It does not necessarily mean that I like it, but I did realize that art is an expression of the artist’s emotions and experiences. Art is something personal, something unique to each individual. For example Picasso, even if he started his career by using other style, eventually he created his own and became a “genius” and he switched back and forth freely. That is another aspect that I learned about art from this video; that art is a form of freedom.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Modern Art
This is modern art? I put a question mark at the end of that sentence because I'm still asking the question, "What is Modern Art?" I don't think you can give modern art a definition. Who's to say what modern art is. There are so many types of modern art how could anyone say what modern art truly is, because truly the definition of modern art is in the eye of the beholder, and there is no concrete definition of modern art. I think everyone including me has a different view of what modern art is to them, and what it means to them, and what significance it has in our lives, and in our world. With that said I'll give my opinion of what I think modern art is. I feel modern art is something far from ordinary. Modern art is a step away from traditional art, and it stands for something more then what it is. I feel like modern art is a way for the artist to take something that is going on in their lives, or something that is going on in the world, and create a work of art that displays their feelings in a abstract way. Also I feel modern art can take something so ordinary like an object or a situation that might be going on in the world, and make it extraordinary, and make people look at in in a different way, and to think critical about the object, or about the idea the artist is trying to display in his work. Modern art is not tangible... It's not something we can touch it is only something we can see and take in for ourselves, and create our own thoughts and feelings about it. These are just a few ideas I have about what modern art is. One thing I do know is that art is constantly changing, so when we think that we finally understand what modern art is it changes, and our thoughts about it change inhibiting us from being able to put a pin point on what modern art is and what it stands for.
After watching the video my interest for art has grown. I don't know much about art and hope to learn more about it. So with that said I didn't know much about the artist that were talked about in the movie. However, I was surprised to find out that Picasso was a communist. For some one who has such a creative mind it was hard to believe that he could be a communist. He seemed to be someone who was a rebel, and didn't want to follow any rules, and these characteristics are opposite of someone who is a communist supporter. It just made me think differently about him. Picasso was some what like Kanye West in the way he lived his life. I don't really like comparing the two, because I think they are two different kinds of artist, but Picasso lived a lavish life like Kayne West, and I believe that the fascination the people had for his lifestyle and the way he lived made it easier for them to enjoy and appreciate his work. One thing I don't like about Picasso's work is the was he portrays women his art, but he may have portrayed them that way because of feelings he had toward certain women in his life.
Pollock appealed the most to me. It wasn't his life that interested me. It was the way he created his art that interested me. He made his best pieces at times when he was really frustrated, or when he was feeling intense emotions. Some people might look at his art and think a child could have painted this, but there is extreme emotions behind each of his painting. His paintings come alive because of the emotions that were pushing his paint brush against his blank canvas. Even someone as well known as him had issues with his life, and I thought it was ironic that his death just like his paintings was caused/created by his own extreme emotions that he couldn't let go of even when faced with death. He couldn't paint anymore, because his emotions and thoughts were so strong they enabled him from being able to create art. Maybe that's why he felt he couldn't live anymore. He'd lost his self. If he ever knew who he truly was to begin with.
Modern Art is Undefined, and will always be undefined.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Modern art.
I think modern art doesn't make a lot of diference comparing to the original one, because it just open more from what it already has. In 1950, the artists draw basicly on a piece of paper with a pencil, they put on anything they can think of and their pictures end up as something a 3 years-old kid can do;however, that's how art works. From the basic ideas, our artists starting to embrace that little piece of art to something better, but they have to go slow, make the smallest things become the bigest things. With a lot of techniques people have today, art has different ways to explore it's beauty into the world of creation; artists can use oil, paintings, sculptures, soundtracks, and a lot more to make their products more interesting and colorful. With a painting of the five prostitudes, the audiences can see the anger, lust, and some kind of sexual appeal in the eye of the women. It could be a live pig, viewers can look at and enjoy it as a piece of art. Honestly, art is something that pretty close to people and it relate a lot to life, it's in everyone's hearts and it's a spirit to make life more pleasure.
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