Thursday, October 20, 2011

Homework: Matthew Collings


In this video matthew collings interviews several artist and talks about how beauty may also be weird, ugly, distorted. For example, beauty for artist chris ofili means stimulating the eye of the viewer by making weird, obscene, unique paintings. When looking at the paintings you really have to look into it to captured all the small details.

How can fads affect an artist?

What's the name of the artist that painted famous poeple?

What's the name of the artist that became famous for his graffiti art?

Name the artist that paints while listening to rock n roll music.

What type of paintings did Alex Katz do?

Modern Art/ 5 questions

Mathew Collins describes the word beauty from the artist’s point of view in a very interesting way. Beauty from what I was able to understand in the video Modern Art is something that is not used as the main theme of their art pieces and rather the Artist going to a great extends of destroying natural beauty. Rather than painting the natural beauty of landscapes, they are distorted in a very abstract way by taking away the natural beauty of nature and changing it to a very personal and intimate type of beauty that the artists is trying to portray. For example Jean Michel Basquiat completely takes the beauty away from super heroes, symbols and politics than portrays his own interpretation of beauty. Basquiat;s art is beautiful in the sense that he is portraying real and current events that are happening in the world and thus capturing our attention and finding the true beauty that Basquiat is trying to show us. Basquiat is one example of how quote in quote Matthew Collins states “Beauty was found in Art and we stopped looking at it on Nature”.

1). which artist from the Modern Art video sticks closer to natural beauty such as landscapes and people?

2). Can an artist still get famous by painting a natural landscape now days?

3). Are artists known for having drastic deaths? The reason I ask is because I have noticed a pattern such as Basquiats drug overdose and some of them committing suicide such as Van Gogh

4). What is the time period of when Modern Art started?

5). What artist has been the most influential of Modern Art?

Extra Credit

La Antorcha de la Amistad, better known as "The Torch of Friendship" is located in San Antonio Texas near 'The Alamo" and the "River Walk. Its a piece of art designed by the Mexican artist Sebastian in 2002. The sculpture was constructed in Mexico and shipped to San Antonio in six pieces. It's a gift from the Association of Mexico Entrepreneurs symbolizing the relationship between Mexico and the United States. It stands about 65 feet and weights about 50 tons. The sculpture is said to stand on the spot where captured prisoners were executed during and after the Battle of the Alamo. This is a piece of art I observe on my visit to San Antonio a month ago.

Mathew Colllins Review

In the videos with Mathew Collins, he interviews some of the modern artist who express their meaning of beauty. Some of the artist think that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, a meaningless word, and may be visual pleasure that some are afraid of.
Who is the leader of the "beauty" cult that died in 1954?
Who was labeled as the best painter alive and what type of painting style does he have?
What artist use of colors are strong and well orchestrated, was successful for six years, and died at the age of twenty-seven?
What artist states that the subject of ones art work is the last thing needed to be dwelled upon?
What artist wanted his art to be like a comfortable arm chair that tied businessmen could rest in and why?

Review of Mathew Collins and 5 questions

This Mathew Collins video demonstrates that these artist all have a different way they view their art, to some people their art may seem like nothing but to them its art. They find ways to reinvent things and make it look beautiful. An example of this would be the artist Matisse finds ways to reinvent things around them and make them look beautiful and finds the beauty within. Jean Michel Basquiat makes his art things as he says work together in a beautiful way and does his own creation. On of the artists that Collins talk bout and which a liked was Alex Katz his work seems so real peaceful and calm. He paints mostly people in different scenes but in a calm place, giving the audience that same feeling. The artists mentioned in this video give their art beauty   in a  decorative way, and do reinventions to their art and find their own way to see the world with the art.

Which artist was incresingly distracted by drugs?
Whose art did Picasso dislike and said to be a nonbeliever?
Whose art was said to be calm peaceful and ideal reality?
Jules Olitski main concentration in his art was___?
Which painter only paints at night?

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Review of Mathew Collins/ My 5 Questions

Viewing the video made me learn that beauty is a meaningless word. Each of the different artist mentioned in this video have their on definition of beauty and they each show it thru their art work.For example Elizabeth Peyton fines beauty in famous celebrities and that is what most of  her paintings are about.  I found Henry Matisse's art work really interesting, specially the Blue Nude painting. Its an example of an abstract art too me because its a painting of a women, but with a weird looking figure and she is colored in blue. Also it is an example of positive and negative space. The women in blue is the positive space which is what your eyes see first when viewing the painting and the white background the negative space. Henry Matisse also made voodoo look become the modern look and lived in his symbolic little world of beauty and was also obsessed with the natural world.


1. Does listening to Rock and Roll motivate Jules Olitski to paint?

2. Can you relate Jean-Michel Basquiat's art work to Pablo Picasso's? Why?

3. Do famous celebrities buy Elizabeth Peyton's paintings of themselves?  

4. Why do most artist like to live in isolated areas away from the city?

5. Does Alex Katz pay the people that he chooses to draw in his paintings.? Are they random people?