Thursday, November 17, 2011

Art Project

I have decided to do my art investigation project on Chris Ofili. I really liked the message he was sending through his painting "The Holy Virgin Mary". Also I like his life story, which makes me appreciate his art work and the message he sends through his art work more. I will also be giving my own review over that piece of work and try to find a second piece of work from him that the class has not seen. I liked how much controversy this particular piece of art caused. You have to really understand him and his back ground to truly understand the messages he is trying to convey in his art work. This is the Artist and piece of work I have chosen to do my ART PROJECT on.

Final Art Presentation

I plan to complete my final presentation on John T. Biggers. I am going to discuss how he began as an artist, the types of works (related to what we have learned) he has completed, and the legacy he has left behind right here in Houston, TX.

for my project I will try to explain why is Pablo Picasso's les demoiselles d'avignon so famous and so important in the creation of cubism. I will also discuss some of the other forms of arts that influenced the outcome of this painting as well as the origins and the preliminary sketches.



Albert Bierstadt

Michael Angelo

He was not only one of the best painters, but also a magnificent sculptor, he created such great pieces of work such as the interior of a famous Chappell, and the worldly known David. He is one of my all time favorite artist as he focuses greatly on reality and truth in a way.

Art Project


Art Project

William Eggleston

Art Project

Andy Warhol

My Art Project : Jackson Pollock


My Question?
What Makes Jackson Pollock's style Unique?

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Research Paper and Presentation is on Diego Rivera

Diego Rivera is a Mexican artist which I have chosen due to his art style that demonstrates the struggles of mexican during revolution against the spanish. He shows the harsh times that mexicans had to endure and that is something that I have become interested in. He paints his political beliefs against the Mexican government and shows the cold truth that people were afraid of speaking against the Mexican government.

Art Investigation Project- My research paper and presentation is on Jean-Michel Basquiat

JeAN-miChEL bAsquIAt IS art...

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Homework Due 11/18

For this week your homework is to decide on a topic that you would like to research for your paper & presentation.
Your topic could be also be a question that have come up with in the class and that you would like to try and answer through research. For you blog post, provide the topic/question and any images that might relate to the topic.
Here is the rubric I will be using to grade your lessons:

Art Investigation Project
For your final project you are to research an artist or topic that we have covered in class so far. If you would like to choose another topic ok it with me first. You will research your topic and present a short 5 minute lesson about your topic you will also turn in a 2 page paper that shows your research and supports you ideas.
These are the areas I will be looking for while grading your projects.

Have you formulated your own ideas and opinions about the topic that you chose?
Is the lesson taught in a creative/effective manner?
Have you researched your topic sufficiently?
Presentation and ideas are organized and clear
Have you presented the cultural and historical context of the artist/artwork as well as a formal analysis?