Friday, September 23, 2011

Homework for 09.23

Before starting this Art Appreciation class, I didn't have a lot of interest in art.  All I knew is that is was something that I had no ability to do whatsoever.  As I continue through this class, while my artistic abilities have not increased, at least my understanding and appreciation for art itself has.  My favorite type of artwork I can now claim is representational.  While abstract and nonrepresentational can be beautiful, I enjoy being able to look at an artwork and imagine myself there.  Perfect example:
Image Detail

I mean, look how serene and pretty this scene is... I can already feel myself there, looking over the water at the couple of boats, feeling the breeze wash over me. It just brings a feeling of happiness to me. If I take anything away from this class, it would be a better understanding of what I like and what I am not a fan of.

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