Thursday, September 22, 2011

Art Appreciation


Art can be seen in many different perspectives. In some cases in a painting there are a set of terms, phrases, concepts and a certain approach which will allow the audience to think critically about the visual images one sees. This week I have learned that the artists work in many occasions has a meaning or a specific point to it. The audience may not see this in glace but actually has to pay attention to the things all around the art, the focus of it or the composition of this painting. One can not know the exact meaning of a painting, drawing or sculpture unless the artist specifies gives the audience a phrase, context clue, or a icon maybe for us to see the real meaning. On the other hand the artist may not want  the audience to know that what the art is suppose to mean and want us to analyze and put our own meaning to it. This class has helped me develop such things in a way that I can actually see or try to find the meaning to specific things and hopefully by the time I am done with this class I would have acknowledge many more important information about the creation of  art.  

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