This is modern art? I put a question mark at the end of that sentence because I'm still asking the question, "What is Modern Art?" I don't think you can give modern art a definition. Who's to say what modern art is. There are so many types of modern art how could anyone say what modern art truly is, because truly the definition of modern art is in the eye of the beholder, and there is no concrete definition of modern art. I think everyone including me has a different view of what modern art is to them, and what it means to them, and what significance it has in our lives, and in our world. With that said I'll give my opinion of what I think modern art is. I feel modern art is something far from ordinary. Modern art is a step away from traditional art, and it stands for something more then what it is. I feel like modern art is a way for the artist to take something that is going on in their lives, or something that is going on in the world, and create a work of art that displays their feelings in a abstract way. Also I feel modern art can take something so ordinary like an object or a situation that might be going on in the world, and make it extraordinary, and make people look at in in a different way, and to think critical about the object, or about the idea the artist is trying to display in his work. Modern art is not tangible... It's not something we can touch it is only something we can see and take in for ourselves, and create our own thoughts and feelings about it. These are just a few ideas I have about what modern art is. One thing I do know is that art is constantly changing, so when we think that we finally understand what modern art is it changes, and our thoughts about it change inhibiting us from being able to put a pin point on what modern art is and what it stands for.
After watching the video my interest for art has grown. I don't know much about art and hope to learn more about it. So with that said I didn't know much about the artist that were talked about in the movie. However, I was surprised to find out that Picasso was a communist. For some one who has such a creative mind it was hard to believe that he could be a communist. He seemed to be someone who was a rebel, and didn't want to follow any rules, and these characteristics are opposite of someone who is a communist supporter. It just made me think differently about him. Picasso was some what like Kanye West in the way he lived his life. I don't really like comparing the two, because I think they are two different kinds of artist, but Picasso lived a lavish life like Kayne West, and I believe that the fascination the people had for his lifestyle and the way he lived made it easier for them to enjoy and appreciate his work. One thing I don't like about Picasso's work is the was he portrays women his art, but he may have portrayed them that way because of feelings he had toward certain women in his life.
Pollock appealed the most to me. It wasn't his life that interested me. It was the way he created his art that interested me. He made his best pieces at times when he was really frustrated, or when he was feeling intense emotions. Some people might look at his art and think a child could have painted this, but there is extreme emotions behind each of his painting. His paintings come alive because of the emotions that were pushing his paint brush against his blank canvas. Even someone as well known as him had issues with his life, and I thought it was ironic that his death just like his paintings was caused/created by his own extreme emotions that he couldn't let go of even when faced with death. He couldn't paint anymore, because his emotions and thoughts were so strong they enabled him from being able to create art. Maybe that's why he felt he couldn't live anymore. He'd lost his self. If he ever knew who he truly was to begin with.
Modern Art is Undefined, and will always be undefined.
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