Tuesday, November 1, 2011

HW 11-4-11 Arista

For my research I picked Trenton Doyle Hancock, because his picture of the lion appealed to me the most from the others. The types of materials he uses range from simple graphite and ink to more colorful acrylic. I believe he has used collage(s), mixed media, multimedia in some of his other works. Most of his work focuses on abstraction, as he likes to play around with reality, but other times such as this picture he uses realism. He does so to bring about his messages as he uses wit and satire to influence people. He has also done performance arts such as “Sesom,” “Color Babies” and “Black Bhetto.”

Color Babies
Production still from Ballet Austin's Cult of Color: Call to Color
A collaboration by choreographer and Ballet Austin artistic director Stephen Mills, visual artist Trenton Doyle Hancock and composer Graham Reynolds
Photo: Tony Spielberg
 Doyle does so in this piece here that was posted by our teacher. The lion calls the jungle creatures together to give a great speech and to mourn together, but towards the end the lion warns everyone that eulogizing makes him hungry, so they should scram before he starts tearing heads.

Other times such as this other piece of work he uses some creatures called “mounds,” which are half plant and half animal and are worshiped by some evil  things called vegans. They represent the abstract part of him, as they seem real, but are far from the truth.
Vegans Do Their Dirtiest Work, 2002
Acrylic and mixed media on canvas
16 X 20 inches

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